Wednesday, 26 May 2010

What A Day!

So the school bus leaves at exactly 8.23 every day.  On the button.

I woke up today at 8.26 and looked  at my clock.  I blinked and checked my computer, thinking my clock had stopped. Nope.  The alarm hadn't gone off.

For some reason I had slept with  socks on, which saved me a considerable amount of time  in dressing, (everyone knows socks are the hardest and most laborious part) and I was on the phone to get a taxi arranged.  I was pulling my trousers up as I headed out of the door, with no shoes on; my shirt had no buttons fastened.  By the time I reached the front door I had one shoe on.  By the time I had reached the end of the street, I had both shoes on - and was beginning on buttoning my shirt.

I ran up to the taxi, threw my bag in, and dived head first, pulling the door closed with my feet.  Okay that last part didn't happen, but that's the urgency I showed.  I arrived at school, having not showered, brushed my teeth or eaten, and cursing my crappy travel alarm clock.  Everyone else seemed rather nonplussed by my comedy entrance into the office, and I was there well before time.


  1. first and not the last time...

  2. I occasionally dream that I wake up after my shift's supposed to start. They're the worst kinds of dreams. But once I woke up at 9.10 am when I was meant to start at 9!

  3. I have one of those fancy alarm clocks which tries to wake you with an inordinate amount of light. It usually works too. But it's also radio-controlled, and that sometimes doesn't work.
    Just last week i woke up and my clock read 14:55. So I rushed downstairs ... and it wasn't even 8 yet :P.

  4. I might get myself a light waker upper, those look pretty cool! How does the radio controlled aspect work though?

  5. Well, it syncs time with some central authority (wherever that may be) through radio waves. Apparently it's a horrible protocol that doesn't allow for a lot of errors in the data stream ...
