Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Party Time

So I'm uploading these from the party the other day.  The camera is a Nikon D90, and I have no permissions for any of these pictures.  Let's hope no one finds out.  Then again, they can sue me for all they want, because I have no worldly possessions anyway.  (And no money for that matter).

First up, a picture of me; because everyone always moans that I don't post enough pictures of me.  Here is a picture.  Shut up now everyone.

It's in black and white because I'm wearing a particularly uninteresting coloured shirt, and it was taken with a flash - so the colours aren't that great to start with.  I'm also closing one eye to mask the fact that, by this point, my eyes are working entirely independently, and as a result, are facing in completely opposite directions.  It must be something to do with drink, and or tiredness.

Anyway, moving on...

This woman is also an English teacher, albeit at a different school.  She's pretty quiet, but was an (un)willing model for my first few dozen attempts with the new camera.  Thank you very much!

I don't know the  legalities of blog posting, so you shall remain without a name!

The flash was pretty harsh, as you can see, but there's not a lot you can do about that.

The girl on the  right owns the camera, the girl on the left could be anyone.  I've literally no idea who that is.  I may or may not ever see her again, so here's to hoping that she doesn't speak English, otherwise I'll end up in prison for misrepresentation or something.

Thanks for letting me borrow your camera, girl on the right!  (Again, no names for lawsuit purposes.)

My favourite picture of the night, and it's not even an animate object.  The picture looked pretty cool in colour, but it looks awesome in black and white.

It's now the desktop for my little baby laptop, and it will become the background for my work computer once I get in tomorrow.

If you click on the picture you can blow it up to full size.  It's a pretty low quality picture, but as of yet I have no means of copyrighting or anything, so have  at it, internet.  I also need a watermark for my pictures, once I get a nice camera.  If anyone wants to make me one, I'll give them a cookie as payment.  Sent anywhere in the world.

There are tons more photographs, but I need to check that it's okay to put them on the interwebs.

Watch this space.

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