This entry is a chronicle of my second trip to Kamakura. This has been my favourite day thus far, for a number of different reason. Firstly the people, secondly the luck, thirdly the festival:
I went there with mikal and Ashmi Thapar, who I had met all of six minutes before stepping onto the train together. She then left us to visit Yokohama, and we soldiered on. We arrived at the main Kamakura shrine area, the very same as in my 'kamakura in the rain' section, where a large festival was taking place. This was the original purpose of the visit, but I didn't know there would be a horseback archery demonstration at the same time, so my interest was immediately piqued when someone walked by with a longbow, a full head taller than he was.
We ambled around for a while, unsure of what to do. We tried several times to get a seat, but they were reserved; standing room only! Standing room in Japan equates to enough space for roughly half a person, and we were two decidedly un-Japanese guys.
So we asked a police officer, essentially, what's up with this then? He didn't understand English, but one of the competitors came up to us and handed us a form, for free, that costs 5,000円 and has to be booked well in advance. So we got into the special seating area. We had no idea what was going on, but we were essentially sitting next to some serious, prim and proper looking Japanese who were constantly greeted by dignitaries, and at one stage, the head of the tample itself. These were serious people. Who they were, only god knows.
So we were sitting around six feet from the track these horses were running along, and maybe forty feet from one of the three targets placed along the track. We had the best seats in the house for the premier event in the kamakura calendar.
The event itself was pretty awesome, as you'll see from the pictures I'll put below.
Mikal, being American, got bored after an hour or so, and then left to buy things and whatnot, so after the entire tournament was complete I ambled around the shrine and watched the taiko drummers for about an hour. In retrospect I must have looked something of a berk, standing in front of a stand of drummers, mouth agape and non-moving. However, I cannot get enough of those drummers and that type of music. I could, and literally did, listen to that for hours on end.
At this point I moved onto the koi ponds and sat there, watching people feed the massive carp in the grounds. After being transfixed by this for some unknown amount of time I ambled up to the main temple, where a crazy-awesome photographer struck up a conversation after perving me apparently to 'check the light.' So we headed to a bespoke starbucks, the first in Japan to be housed in a building that's not some ugly, prefab american monstrosity. We talked for a couple of hours, and it turns out that he's immense. He's a bloody good photographer, but I think he needs to work on his marketing because it appeared to me that he missed several tricks in promoting himself through the internet. You need to work on this sir!
So after this I met back up with Ashmi and we toured the temple grounds by night. They had a light show, projecting images onto the temples and shrines themselves. Considering the conservative nature of the country, this display was something completely unexpected, and despite the occasional image that didn't quite work because of the unusual shape of the shrines, it was a really good 'installation.' Unfortunately I couldn't capture any pictures, but Ashmi tried, so hopefully I can steal some from her.
We went back and watched the same taiko drummers that had now been playing for six hours, they were all still smiling and joking, fantastic. They have several instruments to create the sound; two small drums, one large, pipes/flutes and a kind of metal ball on a stick, hitting a metal container. As you can probably tell I've no idea what it was, and trying to describe it is bloody difficult too. They were getting so into the performance that they kept breaking the stick though, which made me laugh.
At around 9PM we went and ate at a small restaurant that turned out to be really expensive, but the most amazing place to eat in. After keeping them open for ages past closing time, and with smiles on their faces (through gritted teeth) we left.
I arrived back home at around 12:30, and it was an amazing day.
The photographs roughly follow the proceedings described above. These guys are the drummers. All the players can play all the instruments, and they switch round at intervals. They can switch round in the middle of playing, pitstop style. Fantastic. Amazing. Brilliant. I cannot praise this music enough.
The guy in the masculine red shirt is playing the hand-stick-pot thing.
I'm going to bombard you with pictures of these guys.
More pictures!!!
Remember I said this kind of looked like a stage, a few days ago? Guess what it is!
Feed the fish. They feed the pidgeons with fish food too. Strange.
Look at those peons without tickets! Losers...
The roped section in the middle is where the horses run. Some of them were quite feisty, and someone got run over at the start line. They run individually and fire at boards, examples of which you'll see in a second.
These 'shrine maidens' are everywhere helping out and about. They're essentially free help, while the girls wearing different coloured skirt things are the proper workforce.
I'll update this post when I have some more free time...
Ok so the post that's standing up there has a wooden board placed on it, with the backing piece to stop stray arrows. The bit that's behind that is another layer of security, to catch the arrows that are so far off course that someone might get beaned by them.
The arrows aren't tipped, but even these blunt ones can do some damage. They weigh a surprising amount.
What an amazing setting!
This is a traditional getup for shinto priests. I don't know how high ranking this guy is, but he was leading the archers around on their parade lap.
This old boy didn't compete, but he lead the first set of archers around. I've just noticed, looking back at the photo, that everyone is blinking at exactly the same time. That's scary. Conformist culture has gone too far when everyone blinks together...
The little ones were carrying the helmets behind each archer. It's kind of like ye olde knights of yore back home I guess. King Arthurs servants and whatnot.
Look at the size of that bow! They don't fire it in the way you might expect, bolt upright; instead they fire it gangster style, with a length of the bow against the side of the horse. It's kind of difficult to explain, but you'll see pictures of it later.
This picture kills two birds with one stone. Firstly, there's some badass samurai looking guy, which is really cool. The first one I've seen here. Secondly, those wooden boards the kids are carrying are the targets. When the arrows hit, they shatter too, which looks cool.
This guy was all tooled up. Look at the number of arrows he has, and the number of helpers. He also had the strangest hat, which makes him a winner in my books.
So they paraded up and down this strip, and on the second time round I managed to snap this, to show how detailed this guys armour is. This may well be ceremonial, but I don't see how it would protect you from anything, even if it was made from titanium; there are so many exposed parts!
Oh no, he's trying to get artistic! I really like this photo though, it shows the massive amounts of colour that is missing from everyday life here.
The procession stopped in front of the dignitaries to our right, presumably to pay respects. It was a prime opportunity to capture the congregation all together.
This guy gets his own little column, for looking so depressed while wearing what is essentially a really cool costume. Shame on you sir!
This one is blurred, but it's mid-miss, so I included it because it looks cool.
That's my adventure to Kamakura, again. All in all an amazing day.
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