Wednesday 2 September 2009

Feeling Blue :(

I think I ate some bad fish yesterday; something bad anyway.  I'm feeling quite ill at the moment.  Going around my dads to see my grandma and grandad today, dad has this pessimistic doomsday scenario painted in his head whereby I will never return to England once I make this trip.  Of course he should really wake up and smell the fact that no one can get a job at the moment, so the odds of me waltzing into another country and doing just that are pretty tiny.

Not that I don't want a job over there.  That would be extremely nice of course.

I also feel ill for another reason; the girl I let slip away from me has left a big void in my life, I can't stop thinking about her right now.  Normally these kinds of things fade away pretty quickly, and you just gradually think about them less and less; but she is different.  I can't seem to stop thinking about this one.  It's been three months with virtually no contact from her, other than to say she never really loved me (which I have to say hurt a lot), so the cold turkey approach doesn't work!  If anyone is interested to know such things.

Preparations are almost complete as far as I understand them to be, plane tickets booked, bags not yet packed but uniquely for me, I've actually thought about what's going into them!  Five more days and I can try something exciting.  This will literally be the first time in my entire life, twenty one years, that I've tried something exciting and personal.  I've ambled through life just doing whatever, and now is the time to try something else.  Of course I'm not expecting much - or anything for that matter, initial forays into such territory often end in disaster due to lack of planning and lack of, well, a lot of things.  Think of it as a test run really.

That's all for now.  Only five days to go!

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