Thursday, 4 November 2010

Why You Have to be a Mug to do What I do.

I just found out that a Korean person can get paid seventy pounds more a month as a teacher, for teaching ten hours a week.

I am working for the 14th straight hour today.

I do this at least once a week.

I get paid three pounds an hour, for the four hours overtime I pull each week.

This is why no one likes Koreans.  They are liars, (the whole department is promised things on a weekly basis that never arrive) they cheat whoever they can (but not other Koreans, of course!) and they are generally an unpleasant people.

If you are considering being a teacher here, don't.  The extra money isn't worth it.  Trust me.


  1. O dear, not worried about them reading this at all, are you. Or did you stop caring ;-).

  2. Yeah pretty much stopped caring, because I'm now far enough into my contract that I'd have to do something pretty catastrophic in order to get fired.

  3. Three pounds an hour.. = about 5 australian dollars. That's illegal even washing dishes in restaurants in Australia...
