Saturday, 6 November 2010

God Giveth, and he Most Certainly Taketh Away

So in general conversation today, my boss mentioned that she had two junked PC's in her room, and that I was welcome to have them, should I wish to try and fix them.

I got one up and running, (which I'm now writing this entry on) and I suspect a faulty power supply is the reason the other isn't working.  I'll go into work on Monday and try t source one from the school.

The PC's are both P4's, early generations to boot.

The one I'm using is a 1.7Ghz monstrosity, with half a gig of ram and an onboard graphics processor.  It's slow, but still faster than my laptop.

And so I mention my laptop.

I dropped it.

I snapped the attached USB stick.  The operating system was installed on that stick.

To get the PC running I installed a version of linux.  To do so I had to overwrite the SD card I used to install the original version of linux on my laptop.

Therefore, in totality, god gave me two extra PC's, one of which works, the other doesn't.

He then took away my laptop.

And then he took away half of the PC that IS working, because my linux install has corrupted.

Man, unlucky or what?

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