Sunday, 7 November 2010


I've put off watching the latest releases of House, because watching them in a row, only to find that you're at the end of a series with no more to watch - sucks.

At least a year has passed, and to that end I'm now watching a full series and a half in order.

It seems to me that House is one of the few series going that doesn't wane over time.  It has good episodes and bad episodes, but each one has enough differentiating it to create a whole new image for itself.

Of course analysing each episode individually you quickly see that this isn't the case; but watching them back to back in a string of seven shows or so, there will always be one or two that break up the typical flow of the show, creating something that breaks from the mundane.  This is one of the reasons that watching them back to back is a joy.

The other joy of the show is the subtle comedy in addition to typical drama.  There are certainly moments that are contrived purely for comedic purposes, but the additional touches, the small elements make it stand out from the crowd.  That's certainly what Hugh Laurie brings to the table.

Series six, halfway complete, eight out of ten.

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