Sunday, 7 November 2010

Of Americans; Living Upstairs

So I was woken up last night, and couldn't get back to sleep for some hours.

Ignorant americans upstairs are to blame, and every time I'm woken up it's them.

The previous tenant of that room was somewhat noisy, but never after a certain time.  These guys are obnoxious even past two in the morning.  So, naturally, I went and shouted at them.  That shut them up this time, but I doubt it will be a permanent solution.

Everyone knows americans are stupid, but I'd wager not many people know how annoying they are to have living above you.  It's beyond farcical when they're teaching words like, 'respect,' to the kids, (upper level ones, of course) and running around upstairs on the night before a workday, keeping me and two others awake.

They're a couple, and the man is a complete waster.  He followed his girlfriend here, obviously not wanting to.  Unfortunately for him, he's a 5/6 out of  ten, where his girlfriend is an 8/9.  If they break up, he is never going to get a girlfriend this attractive again, so his hands are tied I suppose.  He just has to hang on until she wakes up and realises he's a scumbag.  He's not got a job, drives around on an illegally purchased motorcycle, with no insurance or license.  They smoke drugs in their apartment (drugs are a way bigger deal here than in England.  Penalties include never being able to come into the country again (even for recreation (sic)) and massive fines.) and generally behave the way that grants the locals every right to hate foreigners.

Three hours sleep, let's go to work.

/End rant/

1 comment:

  1. SAM! why did you never mention your upstairs neighbors smoke drugs!? (:
