Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Oh Football...

So there's a nutcase in charge of FIFA, apparently.  Having no idea what's happening in the land of spheres, I happened upon an article describing power struggles in the world of football.

I then read this statement, by the current head of FIFA:

"I thought we were living in a world of fair play and respect and discipline.
I unfortunately see this is no longer the case because the famous Fifa pyramid is suddenly unstable and there is a danger.
On Wednesday I will speak to you on this danger that is lurking, and tell you how we can fight and work against this threat."

Now I admit I know nothing of football, but did FIFA elect Colonel Gaddafi as president?  He acts like a despot, talks of plans to destabilise his regime, like a despot, and crucially, holds elections like a despot.  That is to say, he is a dictator:
'Blatter is the only candidate as his rival Mohammed bin Hammam is suspended.'

I find it incredible that we get outraged, as a nation, by despotism in other countries - but actively endorse and fund despotism in sport.  (Of course I'm not so naive to believe that we don't fund criminal dictators in other countries, of course we do, but at least that serves a national purpose.  Pouring advertising revenues and government funding into a corrupt, incompetent fools lap, while everyone is watching, is criminal genius.)
This man is, plainly and for all to see, a genius.  He runs an organisation that employs thousands of people worldwide, is guaranteed to be re-elected for as long as he feels like, makes an absolute packet, secures his legacy (to be remembered as the hero who saved football), and takes bribes.  It's a challenge to pull this off when you're running a country, but when you're running a sporting organisation, it's a cakewalk.  You don't even have to do much killing and maiming.
What do I want to be when I grow up?  Either Chairman Cat, or Sepp Blatter.  Both men are criminal geniuses.


  1. hahaha - shooting from the hip as usual - sooo funny - cool!

  2. there is little doubt that blatter is a nutter of the highest order who seemingly takes bribes from new countries in order to remain in his post - we (as the UK) complain that the election should have been postponed as there was only 1 candidate and WE get lambasted - derrrr....... especially as the bloke's an out and out shark who refuses to answer direct questions about bribery etc - what a wacky and wonderful world the world is
