Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Oh Football, How You Make Us Laugh

I'm going to dive straight in with a quote that destroys any credibility the Argentinians had:

'With the English [2018 World Cup] bid I said: Let us be brief. If you give back the Falkland Islands, which belong to us, you will get my vote. They then became sad and left.'

How the FUCK did we ever get the Olympics?  No, seriously.  We own the Falklands, and previously owned half the world.  If the rest of the world took the same stance as the Argie delegation, we would already be down 50% of the votes.  We must have won over everyone else with the Olympic bid.

Either ours rocked, or everyone else sucked.  (I suppose a little from column A and B is possible.)

This picture from the daily mail website shows how the democratic process perfectly.

Good job, free and fair elections.

(P.S  DON'T SHOW AMERICA FOR CHRISTS SAKE.  They will bomb us in the name of democratic freedom.  (Us being Europe, because this idiot is based in Europe.))

Next quote (from the daily mail, not a person specifically (so take it with a grain of salt)):

The chairman of the ethics committee - the watchdog group set up in 2006 to deal with claims of malpractice in FIFA - will in future also be elected by the congress.

So, let me get this straight.  The organisations that are being paid by Blatter, and those who are his cronies, will decide who becomes the person to investigate their corruption.

That can't possibly go wrong.  There is literally no way that any human being could possibly abuse that system.  I cannot see a single thing, literally not one, that might stop that from being the best plan ever made by a dictator democratically elected and representative group of people.

In other news.  Something that I am not impressed at all by happened.

Why did it take him three years to plan this?  It would be infinitely impressive if he'd landed a backflip from 4000m.  That would have been cool.  This is just a (rich) lazy mans motoX.

This, on the other hand, is awesome.  A bloody good excuse to dick around on a motorbike, if you ask me.

As is this.  When do they stop increasing the number of rotations?

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