Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Most Sunburnt, What Do I Win?

So yesterday I helped coach a group of kids from a neighbouring town.  I cycled all the way there, from 8AM, to arrive at 9.20.  We proceeded to play for a long time, and I eventually arrived back home at 3.30 PM.  I wasn't out in the sun for the duration, but I managed to get horrifically sunburnt.  I'm sure there's cancer in this, somewhere along the line.

I can't remember what I was like when I was 16, but these kids were pretty average.  There were a couple of solid prospects, but one was only such, because he was was bigger than those around him.  If he doesn't learn some skills in the meantime, he will be a liability when everyone else is his size, or at least not afraid of him.  Such appears to be the path of all rugby players, starting out from a young age.

In the meantime, I am in agony.  This sunburn really is bad.

I also forgot my lunch.  At this point I'm wondering what the calorific value of coffee is, and if it's potent enough to sustain me through the day.

On a side-note, does anyone know any home-brewed recipes for sunburn cream?  Preferably things I would have already stocked in my fridge.

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