Sunday, 9 January 2011

A Few Reasons Why I Love Being an Insomniac

Reason number one.  For every hour I'm awake beyond the normal, I lose five IQ points.  This goes on throughout the entirety of me being awake, until I level off at around forty-five points.  This essentially means, for the days that I am affected, I cannot do anything for myself.  I'm a chimpanzee, or an infant.

Reason number two.  Even when I do sleep, for up to twelve hours, I'm still tired.  No matter how much sleep I get, I'm always tired.  Not to the point of it affecting my work or behaviour, but the huge panda eyes, lethargy and headaches are a semi-permanent feature of life.

Reason number three.  There's no cure.  Drinking honey tea lemons and sunshine while upside singing 'gone with the wind,' may well be the cure for some people.  Drinking warm milk, or reading a book may be what works for others.  The truth is, none of these have any physiological effects.  They're all psychological.  It's all in your mind.  If you think these things will work, they will.  When you realise they're all nonsense, however, you're somewhat screwed.  The alternative is powerful sleeping pills which I tried in university.  Interesting fact: my doctor in university didn't believe I was actually sleep deprived, so gave me a placebo at first.  The problem with the real sleeping pills is that although they don't work in the stated doses, going overboard and taking enough to make sure you do sleep, ensures you have the crappiest nights sleep ever, and you wake up as tired as when you went to bed.  The only difference between taking the pills and not taking them, is that after a weeks usage you won't end up dead.

Luckily I've not had a week-long period of not sleeping.

I'm fairly certain I would get fired if that were to ever occur.

Then again, I would be dead, so I'm not entirely sure I would be worried about the job at that stage.

On an entirely unrelated side note.  Read this article by a moron employed by the BBC about why arts and crafts departments within English universities are failing.  Then, after laughing for five minutes because he's obviously a moron who had a terrible time during his classics degree at Oxford, (presumably because the other boys were bigger and bullied him) read some of the comments.  One of them stated that an american style degree, where everyone has to take compulsory Maths, English and Science classes alongside their own, produces more well rounded individuals who fulfil the authors requirement  that universities make better human beings.

Then read this.

Yeah that education about how to be all happy and alone is really working for them.



  1. at present I can't sleep either...

  2. Just do something fun until you fall asleep, drinking warm honey upside down in a vacuum with one sock on won't help; although that's piece of advice four in most insomniacs handbooks.

  3. Always get up at the same time, regardless of whether you have had what sleep you need or not.
    It may take time, but it should get you regular sleeping patterns. Or count your old uncle :-)
