Friday, 4 June 2010

A Story

To preface this particular article; I needed to write a story for my children using a set number of key words and phrases, because the previous test (assigned by the course content creators) has already been administered. In the few minutes I had between lunch and my next class, I wrote this. Where the idea came from is a mystery, as is the ending. Will this story have a happy ending, or will it have an ending at all? Enjoy:

A long time ago there was a man who liked to go fishing. He liked to fish early in the morning, before he went to work. He would wake up early, and walk to the river. He lived very close to the river, so it only took him a minute to walk there. He never caught any fish, even though he tried every day.

Every day at the same time, a woman would walk past with her dog. She would stand and watch him fish, while she threw sticks for the dog to catch. She would stay for five minutes every day, and then carry on walking. The man and the woman never spoke, they just stood next to each other staring into the water.

Then something very special happened. An artist heard about the pair and decided to paint them. He woke up extremely early one morning and walked down to the river, canvas and paintbrush in hand. He saw the fisherman by the river, and began painting. He had only just started when he saw the woman approaching with her dog. He began drawing faster, trying to draw the man before the woman arrived. He knew he only had five minutes to draw the woman, so he began drawing her as soon as she stood next to the fisherman.

He noticed that the woman was taller than the man, and she was a lot thinner. After five minutes the woman left, and the artist asked, ‘why does she walk along this river every day?’ The fisherman looked up but said nothing.

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