Thursday, 17 June 2010

Korea Versus Argentina Then

So Korea lost against Argentina today.  I didn't preface this with a spoiler warning, because it was already a foregone conclusion.  Korea are not good at football, and they will never be.  I went down to a bar with a couple of colleagues of my own volition, (twenty minutes into the game) and also came home of my own volition, twenty minutes before the game ended.  There is no game of football in the world that can hold my interest for the full period of play.  Highlights are good, but nothing more than five minutes please.

The interesting thing was that I didn't realise it would be a worker style event, with most of the office turning up.  I wasn't going to drink anyway, on account of my myriad diseases and me badly wanting to play american football next week; but after seeing all the people you work with, at what amounts to an enforced gathering - that'll knock the party atmosphere out of anyone.

There is a Korean woman in the office who everyone, to a man, flirts with.  (I call her everyones favourite because I don't know her name yet - eg. 'Has everyones favourite been in this morning?')  They finally (after much cajoling and mild, playful, disgusting and flirtatious threatening/coercion) convinced her to watch the game with them and wouldn't you know it, another (far less attractive, (I'm tempted to say fat, but by western standards nowhere near) bitchy and obnoxious) woman joined the party somehow, and they all immediately forgot about everyones favourite, and focused their attention on the 'kind of fat but not really,' girl.  If I were everyones favourite, I would be pretty devastated and would, frankly speaking, ignore the lot of us tomorrow.

But that's not the Asian way, she will come in tomorrow and smile, laugh at the terrible jokes the five guys in the office try to make simultaneously, and enjoy being the centre of attention.  I would feel sorry for her, but I guess humanity is a fickle cauldron, and it takes all sorts of desperation to make people what we are.

On a side-note, my coughing has begun, which is good news because this is the last phase of my disease.  The guy I caught it from said this was the last part of it for him, and within two days he was completely illness free, which is cool.  What's not cool is him giving it to me in the first place, but we play basketball together, so I guess it couldn't be helped.  On a further side note, the kids are starting to get sick now, as are a couple more in the office.  You might hear about us on the news in a couple of months; I hereby name the next flu pandemic, De Roeck flu.

(It's insanely humid here, just for your information.)

(Oh and my electric bill for this month was Four pounds.  4 pounds.  4GBP)

1 comment:

  1. That's cause you don't have a working PS3 ;-)
