Friday 30 April 2010

My School

The question is raised (in my own mind) as I walk into the school and meet the pupils for the first time; who is more afraid?  Seeing as they can smell fear, I cast it aside and talk to those who are willing.  Luckily my mentor is possibly the most popular person on the island so the children immediately skip past me and dive onto the huddle forming around the other teacher.

The school is pretty much perfect.  The staff seem friendly to a fault, and it's all kosher.  It's all a little too good to be true, and frankly speaking, I'm expecting a giant boot to fall from the sky - heralding the beginning of a monty python sketch involving something along the lines of: Destroying a mans' dreams.

I'm now petrified of making a terrible teacher and letting everyone down.  One hurdle evaded in the form of surviving the trip, the next is to become a teacher.

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