Wednesday, 30 November 2011

No, I Can't

First up, once again, Jeremy Clarkson is my hero.

"I'd have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families."

The reason I think the strikers are stupid is a relatively simple one.  Striking will change nothing.  Two million people sounds like a lot, but there weren't actually two million people striking.  There were two million individuals on strike, without a coherent voice.  Before you turn around and say 'their demands were simple, fewer fees and a lowered retirement age,' that's all good and well, except there is no representation.  Who will the government strike a deal with, who is their representative?  There are probably dozens of sub-unions within such a group, and none of them are worth bothering with in terms of negotiations.

The only real way to enact change, as has been proven for millennia, is with force.  Egypt didn't change (although it hasn't really changed at all) governments by petitioning local politicians to 'please, if you wouldn't awfully mind, stop being corrupt please?'  This strike is as riled as a mob in England gets, and I'm pretty disappointed if I'm honest.

Two million people milling around while enjoying a day off work is ineffective, to say the least.  The potential for change within such a small group is amazing, and was left bizarrely untapped.

Give me a megaphone, fifty thousand people and a million matches, and I will deliver unto you a change in government.  And lots of toasted marshmallows.

In other news, I found this government website that's designed to encourage hackers to out themselves.  The idea being that the government will use this as a promotional tool, recruiting anyone who can break the code.  What I actually think is happening is far more interesting; anyone who breaks the code will be seen to by Jeremy Clarkson and his shotgun.  That way, all the intelligent people in England will be dead, and everyone can live happy in a safer world.

Regarding the quiz, see the title.  It looks like hex, but I'll be damned if I can be bothered to figure out the values underneath them.  It's not even text, so I can't just copy it all into a converter.  Also, the smallest unit of hex is a nibble.  Bit, byte, tera, peta, giga, mega, kila, and a nibble.  All computing terms.  Someone had a sense of humour with the last one!

In other news, this video is of a dance that's particularly cool, from the lost travellers website.  I like the fact it's sped up, it adds something entirely new to the whole idea (namely being able to discern the change in sunlight and direction, without having to keep a fixed point of reference).  Obviously the video isn't meant as an end in itself, but it's interesting.


It's good to see that igor has found a new job as the Egyptian tourist minister (or something).

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