Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I Relented

I went to the hospital.  It took about 35 minutes to see the doctor, 10 for an X-ray, 10 minutes waiting, then another ten waiting to be billed.

I don't know how much it cost, but I doubt it'll be over thirty quid.  I understand I'm setting myself up for a colossal fall with that estimate.

I don't have any broken bones (I'm made of tempered steel) but the doctor noted some interesting things.  I have pieces of hand floating around in there, just like I have pieces of foot floating around in my right ankle.  They restrict movement in my right ankle, but the extra pieces of bone in my hand don't seem to do anything.

I am rather pissed off at having to wait at my middle school, my boss let me out early to get to the clinic so he's recouping the hour I had off, as if I were at home relaxing, not getting my hand beaten up left and right (the doctors caring hand was not evident).

The other interesting thing of note, is that I have massive fingers.  When he looked at the X-ray he all but whistled under his breath.  Fat bones, apparently.  This adds to my belief that I am actually an Xman in waiting.

The final interesting thing comes from his analysis of my radiation.  He showed me where the bruising was, a dense enough bruise will show up on X-ray, apparently.  There were some particularly interesting dark spots, showing exactly where the bruising was.  It was uncanny, that there technology.

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