Thursday, 5 November 2009

Back in England.

So I'm back in England now...

So...  When can I go back to Japan then?

Anyway, seeing as nothing interesting is happening here, I'll put up some photographs and videos of my last day in Japan.

I can't remember what Fumie was trying to explain here, but it's an interesing picture.  Well done for ignoring all the flashes, Fumie!

Nice jumper too...

I don't remember what was happening here.  I think it's something to do with one of the Japanese classic TV series.  It was the progenitor of american shows like Power Rangers and things of that ilk.  Uramon, I think.

Looking good...

The next Calvin Klein models.

It took a few attempts to get this photo.  Japanese people can pose like no others, I take a few attempts though...  Sorry about that.

Also, Mado-chan is wearing full kimono, and it looks fantastic.

What you can't see in these photographs though, is the underwear worn with kimono is another full size kimono, and the example she was wearing was even prettier than the outer kimono!

A lot of effort goes into wearing these things.

In this photo, slap bang in the middle, is a real life geiko.  In order to become a geisha, (of which there are only a thousand or so in Japan now), a girl must start as a trainee of sorts, then become a maiko, then a geiko, then a geisha.  She's going to be a geisha someday, and it's an incredible privilege to spend time with her, in an incredibly informal and fun situation.

Tourists spend weeks looking for a geisha, to no avail.  Meeting one in this situation, how lucky am I?!?  And spending time with a Buddhist monk.  What an amazing place Kyoto is...

A nice picture, with everyone in...

Except mado-chan, who is taking the picture.

Looking good; guys.  This is how an upalupa looks, in case you were wondering what's going on.

Upalupa is especially vigorous in her depiction of her namesake.

Again, looking good guys :)

Look at the flowers behind Takako's head.  This was unplanned, but looking at the video of her singing, is entirely appropriate.

(Check out the video at the end of this post.)

It's worth noting that geisha even look elegant when drinking.

It was a couple of days after halloween, so there were a few trinkets in the house.  These  devil horns made a few interesting pictures...


The hat never comes off though, I think it's glued to her head.

This is one of my favourite pictures.

The pumpkin hat did the rounds, just like the horns.

This is also the default face of Takako, if she isn't smiling then something is seriously wrong.

I don't know what that hand is doing...

And where is that hand coming from as well?

I'm pretty sure it's not mine.

And then it all comes a cropper.

Nice hat there, Mado.

There are lots of photographs, so there's a lot to get through...

Fumie is looking miffed, or drunk or something...  Cheer up!

We had an excellent guitar accompinament for the whole night, thanks to the extra housemate Oishibashi picked up while I was away.

Obviously, the entire night was fantastic fun.  Thanks everyone!

So the layers when wearing kimono are:

under-kimono (I've forgotten the name)
Obi (this is the orange belt, and has several more layers of its own, including a hard board to keep the shape)

This is why it takes an hour to put everything on.

 The girls by candlelight.

Nice picture.

Hello there, upalupa-chan.

Looking good there, for a Japanese lizard thing!



It's a monster from the deep!

Ok so now onto the videos:

This is a game I taught everyone; originally it was a rugby drinking game, but I adapted it for the housemates.

Unfortunately, they were all a lot better at the game than I was.  This is basically the reason for me taking this video, because I was immediately eliminated.

As you can see from everyones reactions, it is a lot of fun.

The second video requires something of an introduction.  Mado told me that Takako was a terrific singer, so I asked her to show everyone.  We all thought she was going to do some karaoke style pop singing.  Click on the video now please.

It's only thirty seconds, and the sound quality is abysmal; but jesus.  She is absolutely fantastic.  Amazing.  Superlatives run out...

I want to go watch her live somewhere.

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