Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Gay Files

So Sonny Bill Williams (the name of a 'hick,' if ever there was one) recently won the New Zealand boxing thing. Interestingly, he fought an american who replaced the intended victim - on account of drugs charges, no less.  It's good to see the good name of boxing keeping clean.

Anyway, in happening upon this article by the BBC, I noticed something.  Sonny Bill Williams (henceforth referred to as 'SBW,') is ripped.  His musculature is so incredibly defined, as to defy comparison or categorisation.  His physique is a sight to behold, and in case it wasn't completely obvious by the title of this blog; I admire him immensely.  He's not a world-class rugby union player, regardless of what's said they (the all-blacks) have others who are better suited to the centre positions, but the fact that he is competitive in two sports that are so wildly different is testament to his overall sporting ability.  You could make the case that both sports are extremely aggressive, but beyond that (and the inevitable brain-damage created from exposure to both sports for a long period) they share nothing in common.  The techniques are non-transferable.

Look at that swimmer guy.  He won fifty-six-thousand-million-billion medals at the olympics because he can swim.  He is good at one thing, and he got a bajillion medals for being good at that.  Congratulations to him, for being born with feet like a platypus.

SBW has excelled at two sports with vastly different skillsets.  I am extremely impressed.

I don't care that he's never going to be a world heavyweight, or that he's not the best international ever.  He's good enough to make money from both sports, and that is good enough in my books.

Well done, you freak.

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