Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Big Game Illness

So it seems to me that whenever I get particularly excited about something, shit happens.  Usually on my face, from a great height.

Previously I'd wanted to play as a representative for our league, against opposition from another league.  That fell through because I completely monged my hamstrings.

Some other stuff happened, too depressing to get into at this stage.

Now, as we're (the gaijin rugby team) facing up against the stiffest challenge of the year (top five amateur team in Japan) I catch a cold that's put my lungs on hiatus.  They have gone wandering, as has the pain cancelling function of my brain, which has taken it upon itself to make every joint ache and scream.  This, coupled with my brain seeking every avenue of escape, means I am a walking, slobbering wreck.  I want my chance.  I want my chance to play in a real game of rugby with the best Japan can offer.  I want to test my mettle.

I'm going to play.  I'm going to play as hard and fast as I can, even if I can't breathe with anything other than an open mouth and no gumshield, even if I don't actually have any cardiovascular system (I get out of breath when standing up in the morning).  I'm going to play even if it kills me, because I've had enough of this shit happening to me.

Fuck you, universe.

#EDIT#  Evidently the gods are listening, as I left work an hour early on account of my diseases.  They then gave me a puncture, ten minutes into my journey.  This made my laborious thirty-five minute bike an hour and a half trek.  This meant that far from arriving home early, I actually arrived home later than normal, completely knackered, with a flat.  I just spent thirty minutes (hopefully) fixing the flat, so I've lost an hour, despite leaving an hour early.  Incredible.  Proof positive that the universe is vindictive.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to everyone's world that follows the laws of sod...
