Monday, 17 October 2011


So I just spent the best part of a day working on an annotated task for university.  It's basically what I was asked to do for my degree, in reverse.  That is to say, analyse a text for uses of specific patterns, which are given to us.  It's the linguistic equivalent of deriving a base sum from a particular equation, using a method taught previously.

It should be relatively straight forward - choose a text and analyse it.  There are several criteria for choosing the text; you have a few hours, be done with it.

The more I look at my chosen text, the less confident I feel about it.  On the one hand it fulfils the criteria they've listed.  On the other hand, I'm not sure that it does.

It follows the model (more or less, but then what model ever fully covers a real-world application in anything?) so I should be home and dry.  I only get to send one task in to be corrected (essentially to see whether I have the intellectual stones for the course) and I don't think this, my (arguably) strongest area should be the one to be evaluated.  Surely the work I'm least confident about would be great for that.

I may well be kicked off the course before I make it out of a single module!  Bummer!

Anyway, I'm just going to quietly Wargbl in the corner while I think about it.

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