Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Compilation Post!

The excitement of my life is lacking to the point of requiring a compilation of ideas in order to create a single entry into this diary.

I'm going to follow a television news style approach to proceedings, by retelling the terrifying news first, then then light-hearted feel-good story last.

A small car nearly piled into the back of us today; on icy roads.  The lane we were travelling down had a closed intersection, due to another accident.  The cross-roads had a lot of standing water, frozen over by the sub-zero temperatures.  The guy behind was following rather close, and as we weighed anchors he went sailing past.  His proximity to us meant he had no way of stopping, with or without ice.

We were the only two cars on the road for approximately ten minutes in any direction.  His need to follow so closely derives purely from?  Who knows.  My guess is:  He was afraid of the dark.

It wouldn't have been a life-threatening crash, nor even a bone threatening one; but it would have hurt.  Thinking back to the times when I've drowned, ridden my bicycle into static objects (like the ground) and been valiantly dismounted by other motorists; I've pushed the boundaries of luck rather far.

Of course ultimately it doesn't  matter in the slightest, because I'm never going to die, and come dangerous driving or severe lack of breathable atmosphere, nothing will change that.

In the lighter news category:

This is one of the things I love about keeping in touch with people you're not going to see for a long time.  And keeping in touch with them properly.

I'm pretty sure this little guys' name is Ringo.  Pronounced in Japanese that would approximate to 'lingo,' and I've no idea whether they're Beatles fans, before you ask.  Was Ringo Star the Beatles?  I've no idea.  I've no care for pop-culture, and just because it's fifty year old pop-culture trivia doesn't give it an automatic pass into my brain.

Why is the liquid inside green?  It might be the light; although I've a suspicion that it might be bathing in Ocha, which is green tea to you or I.  Quick, hide this video from the RSPCA!  (I doubt they have a Japan chapter, thankfully.)

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