Thursday, 24 February 2011

A Series of Challenges

SO all the computer parts have turned up, bar the RAM.  This wasn't unexpected, on account of the RAM being sources from a different person.  The other challenge, it seems, is finding a screwdriver.

Since people started inventing things, people have been able to invent illogical things.  This case, for example, looks great.  It's screwdriver less, insofar as you don't need any screwdrivers to undo the bolts holding the sides on.  However, you DO need a screwdriver to undo the corners, that mesh over the side-covers.  This means, it's not actually screw less.

The screw has a handy grip around the outside, so you don't need a screwdriver.

The corners of the case, however, are covered by this corner piece, which is decidedly screwdriver only.  It's also annoying that this corner seems to be falling apart, and I've only had it five minutes.  

 I think it looks great (that's why I chose it) and it's a simple, clean design.  It's got a massive low-RPM fan on top and space inside for the kitchen sink.
Aesthetics: 8/10; Build quality 5/10


  1. where's your toolkit?

  2. I'm in Seoul, and I wasn't even planning on buying this now; the allure of cheap prices drove me to it.
