Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Vanity Post

So this post will be all about me.  As if all the others aren't in some way centred around myself...

So I hate pictures of myself.  I despise them.  I loathe them.

The only way I can bear to look at myself in a photograph is if it's an action shot, kind of like these:

I'm actually bending down quite a lot in this

I can't remember when this one was taken, or why there was a man (or woman?) in a dog suit.  This kind of stuff is incredibly common in Japan, and I've missed many an opportunity to have this picture taken.  Everyone who comes here has to take this picture once.  Then never again.

This was a game against the blue team, playing for the Tokyo Gaijin (foreigners).  I can't remember the score, or what happened, but I'm going to assume it was a good game.  I have no contrary feelings to indicate that it wasn't, so let's stick with that.

Oblivious to the mall in the background, gumshield behind the ear

This is definitely a commercial for water.  Or bottles.

This game was a blowout.  We won by a hundred points or so.  Not a very interesting game, but a good fitness session because everyone was running backwards and forwards across the entire length of the pitch, every few minutes.  It felt that way at least.

Actually paying attention this time
 So I keep my gumshield behind my ear because it's the most convenient place to put it.  Other times I tuck it into my compression shorts, but I wasn't wearing any on account of it being a million degrees in Japan.

It look like I'm about to get smashed.

I recently caught some bizarre diseases, which meant I lost a bit of weight.  I've since put some of it back on, but as you can see from my legs, almost everything I lost was fat.  Not complaining mind.

This was a different set of games - the gaijin went to Yamanashi (a prefecture south of Tokyo) to play a couple of back to back games against a conglomerate team.  It was pretty hard work, as the weather was sweltering.

This picture shouldn't be enjoyable, there's way too much blur.  But for some reason I really like it.  I did score, in case you were wondering.

You always look cool in b/w
 It always looks good when you have an action shot with the other guy sprawled on the floor.

After a hard half of rugby, some kind of commercial shoot involving shampoo (or maybe aftershave) is in order.  Obviously I didn't take any of these pictures, but I think they came out really well.  Good job!


  1. it's a maul not a shopping mall...

  2. That's such a good typo that I'm leaving it up!
