So I arrived in Japan around midday. It's pretty much as I remember it, but somewhat greener (literally and metaphorically) due to my time in Korea.
And now there's been an earth tremor. I'm not calling it an earthquake, because by my guess, it was only around a 2 or 3 on the richter scale. Seismic activity after a major earthquake is common, so I expected there to be some more tremors; not quite this quickly though, I must admit.
The last day on Geoje was good. I had to get up at ridiculous AM in order to.
Hold that thought, there's another tremor. Blimey, two in two minutes. This one is only a 1 on the richter scale if that.
So I got up really early, having packed and sent all my belongings (essentially) yesterday (Friday) in boxes marked fragile. In the last attempt at annoying me, the guy who stuck fragile stickers over what he knew to be my computer, proceeded to throw it across the room onto the pile of other fragile items, right in front of me.
The flight was average, the bus journey here was long, but I slept most of the way. Come to think of it, I slept pretty much the whole time in the airport, on the plane and on the bus. Quite good, considering.
In answer to a prior question, I'm nowhere near Kyoto, I'm an hour and a half away from the middle of Tokyo, so an hour away from Tokyo proper I assume.
I'll trickle updates along, as I find out more about my situation tomorrow.
P.S Does anyone know how to get skype running on Slitaz?
P.P.S I'm fine, stop worrying.
P.P.P.S This is the way Korea ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
*Update* Three tremours in five minutes. A new world record?
Sam how was your last day in school in Korea?