So I've not been able to update my blog for the last week or so, because I've been incredibly busy. I've also missed going to the gym. I'm also sick. I've busted my ass off doing my boss favours, like building a basic website for the english department, and making videos of the kids so we actually look like more than a ragtag bunch of chancers.
Being the only idiot willing to do this hasn't paid off, as she cancelled a half day (a week ago) tomorrow. When asking her why she promised us a half day that she had no intention of keeping (it turned out that this full day seminar was planned three months ago) I was labelled ungrateful and told that many other teachers don't get breaks over Christmas.
I should, apparently, be grateful that I now have to sit in a crowded minibus with five people I loathe for two hours on the way to some god-forsaken place in the ass-end of nowhere, to look at a couple of books. Then spend an hour travelling to the outer recesses of the ass end of nowhere to watch a half an hour class demonstration, to then travel three hours back to the literal arse-hole of nowhere (Geoje). It turns out, the one nice Korean person; the person who I'd assumed everyone that I hadn't met in Korea was like, is actually abhorrent too.
Some countries have no redeeming qualities. I give up.
I hate Koreans. I hate Korea.
There I said it. War is probably the best thing these morons can hope for.
Just start it when I'm not here, please.
Wow that actually makes me feel a lot better. Maybe I can make it through the thirteen hour day tomorrow by repeating that phrase over and over to myself. Or maybe I can play table tennis halfway through the day, to give me some energy?
at last you said it! It's been coming for some time I feel...