Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Age Old Dispute; Given an American Twist:

I won't introduce this video, other than to say it contains swearing:

Why doesn't she just find another partner like a normal person?  And, as one of the eloquent and poetic comments suggests: (paraphrased by me for your sanity) Don't touch a mans' playstation!

As a side note; it's often said that a person (regardless of gender) may have a maximum of two attributes, from a maximum pool of three.  On the internet this trinity is: Looks, Availability, Sanity.  Pick two, and you have a cross-section of humans on the internet.  I propose that most people actually have one of the above.

To apply this rule to the video above; she is attractive; soon to be available, but quite insane.

In real life I feel the trinity tends towards: Sane, Attractive and Honest.  All valuable commodities within the realm of human interaction; somewhat difficult to find grouped into a single package; despite the breadth of ones net, and the bounties of the many oceans in which we swim!

On a lighter note.  This made me laugh.  It's not just purile netspeak; think about it.  Goodnight.


  1. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    My cat sits in the box like that in his existential moment, when the whole world is just too much...

    You'd feel like the cat above after watching this video though. How did you find this video anyway???

  2. I'm sorry, I can't reveal my sources to anyone...
