Saturday, 13 February 2010

Driving Lessons

I've started taking driving lessons.  After a prolonged period of inactivity on this front I've managed to twist the arm of the involved parties, and have commenced learning how to drive.  I have stalled the car once so far, and tried changing into the wrong gear once as well.  It's not as complicated as flying a helicopter, but there are significantly more obstacles.  I guess that kind of evens itself out then...

I'm sure there are other things to report...  Wait no, there aren't.

That is all.

Oh!  Happy chinese New Year!

And here's a random nebula.  Orions belt; just below it in fact.

Recently posted on wired; I'm sure I'm breaking copyright infringement...  Oh well.

Pretty right?  Click for a full-sized view of the image.

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