Monday, 19 May 2014

Nothing to Report, Situation Normal

I have absolutely nothing to write about at the moment.

I urge you to go and watch the video I posted in the previous entry - I can't quantify the kind of enjoyment I get out of making videos like that.  Regardless of the outcome!

I'm still incapable of sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time; I think it's because of the incredible lack of anything so I've started a new project.  The Unreal Engine guys have released their engine for 20 USD a month, so I've gone ahead and bought that with the intention of making a small game.  It's going to be a 2-D platformer, that is to say it will play in 2-D but will be rendered in 3-D.  It's a real challenge to get your head around something that you've no idea about, but it's as interesting as starting out with Premiere Pro or 3DS max.

Speaking of Max, he's letting me create meshes for use in UE4, which is nice of him.

The 7-minute video from IBM took me about four or five hours from start to finish; I suspect this may take somewhat longer.  My tentative plan for the moment is to have ten levels, with a choice towards the end resulting in two entirely different endings, whatever they may be.  I think it'll take about 30-45 minutes for the player to complete.

Just as an insight into what this actually entails, it took me four hours to figure out how to use a heightmap to displace an image with Max, in order to gain some rocky looking scenery.  It currently looks like this:

And this is where I would put a screenshot of the tutorial hallway I made.

Except that it didn't save and I lost hours of work.


I think I overwrote the example level that's provided with the software, which will automatically refresh every time you start and therefore re-write the re-written save.  As it were.

I've still got all my assets so it's just a case of remaking it (hopefully better, with the knowledge I've gained in the process).

Still, total like, bummer dude!

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