I completely forgot about the picture until yesterday, when I had a day off and ventured into another park without the trees.
Some of these are from before - some from yesterday. It's up to you to choose which are from which.
It wouldn't be a set of pictures from me without a black and white one. This shows the texture of this rock pretty nicely I think. Uninteresting for all but me, but this is my blog so tough.
Kasai Rinkai Koen has a lot of poppies blooming at the moment. I don't know why; they certainly weren't there last year.
Maybe it changes yearly.
This is another shot of the same set of fields.
The ferris wheel will make a comeback later in the post.
This outcropping looked pretty nice with the reflection so I just took a quick snap. It turned out to be one of my favourites.
This is a heron from a month or so ago. He didn't seem to be too perturbed by the people passing by, we even saw him catching a couple of fish.
Bear in mind my lens is only a very mild zoom.
This blossom is pretty indicative of the millions of other cherry blossoms around Japan. Once you've seen one of them, you've pretty much seen them all.
Having said that, when they're dropping they do look pretty incredible.
See? This is a slightly lighter version of the one above.
I think this is a heron. I've no idea what type. It might not even be a heron, I don't know. This one was slightly more shy, and the camera struggled with the whites so there's not much detail in the feathers. Having said that, it's amazing how close you can get if you just go slowly.
And this is the next vision of the ferris wheel replete with bad elevator music.
And that's all for today.
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