Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Pictures, and Maybe a Video

So I went around school taking pictures, most of which were of the kids playing around at lunchtime.  I don't know the legality of using those kids photographs (you can get sent to 'drop the soap in the shower,' kind of prison here for taking a picture) so I won't upload them here.

I will upload a couple of pictures I took elsewhere though.

Bloody kids

I wanted to go up to the roof of the school, but some kids snapped a nail into the roof lock.  I'll get up there eventually, there must be a great view of the surrounding area.

White cherry blossoms

This is the image everyone has of Japan, cherry blossoms in Spring.  It would be a terrible shame not to include a picture that you can find a million variations of using google images.

Fish flags.  Obviously the symbol of childhood.

These are koinoburi, which is koi flags.  I think I reported on them last year.  They're something to do with childrens day and good luck.  I've no idea what specifically, though.  I know these koi represent struggle against hardship (think salmon swimming against a mountain river), but beyond that I have no real specifics.

My house is about fifty metres to the right.  Quite rural.

A wide shot of the flags show that this particular area takes them quite seriously.  Koi, Koi everywhere!

That's not my house

This is one of the white cherry blossoms near my house.  They're not as prolific in my area, other places have hundreds arranged to be as photogenic as possible.

And the Pièce de résistance:

Please feel free to read the description so I don't have to write the same things twice or thrice...

Disappointingly, it's only 480p.  It was recorded in 1080p, honest!


  1. so you live in a recycling centre - groovy!

  2. Hope the cans are gone when I get there and.....
    get your hair cut....

  3. That's a television?

  4. You do the jazz hands a lot when you talk
