Don't trust women with directions. I've been walking around in the rain for two hours, trying to find this place. It's 1.30 AM. Actually, make that an hour and a half.
I had to wake up a work colleague in the dead of night, and I'm certain I've got myriad diseases.
I was trailing a comedy pool of water behind me, as I trudged up the final set of stairs. My umbrella was soaked through, a sign that the waterproofing had been washed away; presumably when I took a swim in a giant puddle.
My MP3 player, housing all the photos I've taken in the last 5 years, went flying into the middle of the street, into four inches of water. This, as a hundred or so cars went flying over the top of it. When the traffic calmed down, I ran to retrieve the player, which was still in one piece. The comedy continued however, as I picked it up and water came pouring out of the housing. It's now a high-tech watering can - albeit of a limited capacity. (It was only 16 gigs in the first place.)
So despite, misdirection, falling over, destroying all my year 6's homework (oh I forgot to mention, all their marking was in my bag, with the intention of finishing it on the homeward leg.) when I went for an impromptu swim, being soaked through for two and a half hours, waking up a colleague in the dead of night (hell is to pay, I'm sure) destroying my MP3 player with half a decade of memories on it, and getting a taxi with an imbecile who got lost twice, it was a fun trip.
On the plus side, a shining light came from an employee of seven-eleven, the ubiquitous convenience store from the states. I couldn't find a single person to help, as they all shyed away from the big scary foreigner, or they just middle-fingered me because I looked like a hobo. The one man in the convenience store, I salute you for letting me borrow your mobile phone. (Everyone has several mobile phones here, so there are no payphones.) It turns out, the only nice Korean in Seoul, willing to help someone in obvious distress, was Australian. Go figure...
Say what you want about Aussies, this guy is awesome.
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