Monday, 22 March 2010

How to Escape England: Initiation Guide

So escaping this thankless country is the prime concern of a large number of people.  Roughly half a million every two years are now leaving, up from four hundred thousand every three years.  Of course these people are the monetarily mobile, leaving only those who can't afford to leave, or who have no transferable skills.  If you're leaving for a foreign speaking country then a certain amount of 'intrepid,' must be genetically encoded in the individual, but this is normally established at birth, and is therefore unchangeable.  The other aspect, willingness to learn the new language, is determined entirely by the individual.

So as the masses flock to the shores, attempting to leave this gigantic titanic, here are my top tips for escaping.

For gaining a visa, you need a number of documents, (depending on where you go) and these take time.  My overall investment of time was promised at 3-4 weeks, maximum.  From my own experience, budget 7-8 weeks.  Government ineptitude is one of the universal laws, alongside Newtons' own.

The second aspect is money.  Every document sent to the government will cost around fifty pounds to sort; including the numerous resending and associated postal costs.  If you need five documents, then budget for ten.  Some will go missing in the post, others will be rejected, yet more will be lost in the government system.

So all it takes to leave this fine and failed land is eight weeks of your constant attention and thought, (men are single threaded processors, afterall) and five hundred pounds.

Oh and a job.

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