Saturday, 24 August 2019

What's All This Then?

So it turns out, not having the internet makes it difficult to write things and upload them onto a blog.

Turns, out, just because Japan is tiny and has a massive supply of people sitting around doing nothing in the public sector, doesn't mean getting internet hooked up is quick or easy.

As such, it's taken two months to get internet hooked up to the new house.

Oh, I moved house by the way.

Unfortunately, the new flat is utter garbage for a thousand different reasons. There's no sunlight, which (I've heard) makes growing plants difficult. The drains stink to high shit, quite literally, and the landlord told us to get fucked when we asked to have them fix it. The superfast internet I was sold on (one of the reasons I OK'ed this flat) is 10 meg. Running at less than 8. I get 800kb/s down. Turns out 1080p youtube doesn't work on such a slow connection. Turns out, 2 people watching 720p youtube doesn't work either.

Also our neighbours suck ass and this move is easily the worst decision I've ever made in my life. With the prohibitive cost of moving (for some reason the government doesn't want people moving here, so they allow the moving companies, real estate agents, landowners et. al to gouge the population. Eg. Moving out of the old house cost 6 months rent.  That's before the price of moving INTO the new place gets taken into consideration, or the price of moving vans (the wife wouldn't let us rent a van) or utilities reconnection etc. I've been told by the wife that we're not allowed to move for at least 6 years.

So my options are never come home, never be at home, or suicide.

As such, I've been doing tons of overtime at my job, and spending all day fishing.

Today though, there is a fireworks festival on the river I fish on, so I don't think the fish will be biting, and I don't think there would be any space for me even if they were.  As such, I decided to update the blog and upload a couple of pictures I took.

These are actually incredibly blurry. Not because they're particularly out of focus, or because the shutter speed was too high, but the lens is probably close to 40 years old, and it's using a JANKY adapter I bought off some dodgy chinese website. Regardless, if you look at these on a small enough screen they look alright.

I quite like the black background too.

I know everyone loves spiders, so here's another one.  I took one a few years ago that looked positively deadly, with red and yellow all over.

This guy looks a lot calmer, although I wouldn't want to meet him if he were scaled up to the size of my screen.  It looks pretty gnarly at this size.

Oh, duh. I just figured out why the government doesn't want people moving house. It's because the politicians are the landowners and landlords. Duh.

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