Saturday, 19 January 2019

2018 in Review

So it's still January, which means I am still able, legally speaking, to make a top ten list for last year.

The problem is that I didn't buy, do, make, watch or play ten things last year.

Because of that I'll have to rank everything together.  That's why none of this makes sense.


The Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra

My school offers free tickets to the philharmonic for some reason (you're practically losing money if you don't take them!) so I was able to see one of their performances last year.

Despite not knowing a damned thing about music, I enjoyed it.  I have no idea what was played or who was playing it, but there's something great about listening to live music in a concert hall.



This year I didn't get as much marmite in the mail as I have in past years.  This led me to rationing it out, but also using it in as many different places as possible to avoid just toasting it all away.

It turns out you can use marmite in almost anything.  Truly the most versatile condiment.



2018 was the year that I learned you can take the top off a normal pineapple and grow it into a brand new pineapple.

It takes about 4 years for them to grow big enough to bear fruit, but the ones I have now have rooted, are growing (albeit slowly) and will hopefully survive the Winter.



Chocolate is great.



I've been drinking way more tea this year.  It's very good.  Much better than coffee, although about once every three months I will partake of the devils bean.



I hate Japanese.  It is the worst language ever, will never ever make sense and I doubt I will ever really understand much of anything.

But being able to sometimes (15% of the time) read an ad on the underground is sometimes cool.  I've also spent almost all my 2018 free time trying to learn.  Every time I think I'm progressing I come across something that may as well be written in windings for all the sense it makes.  When I come across something too advanced for me I have to confirm that it is, in fact, written in Japanese.


A bedside table I made

We needed somewhere to put all our crap (phones, chargers, etc) so I made a bedside table.  I'm not going to take a picture and put it here because I'm not going to take a picture of my bedroom and upload it to the internet.  That's just weird.



I've not been able to buy anything online for 9 months because HSBC fraud protection stops me buying anything online, from a Japanese IP address, with a UK card.


The entire point of the internet is to be free and open, available to anyone, anywhere.  It's pretty easy to spot fraud - if I was buying 5,000USD worth of google play cards with an american card and having them delivered to Russia or China, that's a fraudster doing fraud stuff.

If I'm buying 15 quids worth of cider with a UK card and shipping it to Japan, TO AN ADDRESS THAT'S ATTACHED TO THE CARD AND IS KNOWN TO THE BANK, that's not fraud.

Not difficult guys, come on.


Jurassic World Evolution

One of my friends worked on this game, so I like it.  You can also watch dinosaurs eat people, which is always pretty fun.

If HSBC ever pull their heads out of their collective asses, I'll even buy it.

Fuck you HSBC.



I've had very little time to go out and do fun things this year.  I've read very few books, taken very few photographs, made very few things.

I've been fishing a few times though, and even caught a few fish.  Fishing is fun.

So now the year has been listed and categorised appropriately, here are some aims for the upcoming year that is almost 1/12th finished already.

1.  Get a job
2.  Save money

Far future (never going to happen):

1.  Get a cat
2.  Get a fishtank
3.  Get a study to put the cat and fishtank in

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