Monday, 25 May 2015

Broken Nose Woes

I don't think I've broken my nose again, but it's extremely sore.

We had a warmup match against one of the teams in our league this weekend.  I played in the first half which we lost, 7-0.  We won the match 21-7 but both teams fielded two discrete sets of players, essentially making it two separate games.

In the first half we could not hold onto the ball, we just kicked it.  It was like a compulsion or an illness, none of our team would dare to hold on to the damned thing for more than six seconds without kicking it, which meant we had zero possession.  Considering we had the far worse kicking game it also meant we were pinned back in our half for almost the entire half.  We defended for thirty minutes and only ended up seven points down, which is a positive thing I suppose.

I got the ball twice.  Once I was smashed, but managed to hold on and only lose a meter or two which is okay I guess.  The second time I made a half break, got the off-load and we made another few metres.

And then kicked the ball away.  Obviously.

I made a couple of tackles.  I nailed one guy, forcing him to knock on.  The second was a covering tackle on our line, making up for someone who missed an inside tackle.  Unfortunately I only got him round the legs, he passed onto someone else and that was their seven points.  I'm sure I'm going to be blamed for that come training tomorrow.  'You're a foreigner, why didn't you stop the try?  And while we're on the subject, why didn't you score eight thousand points by yourself in this team sport?'

Anyway, I digress.

It was a pointless exercise for all involved in the first half, but a decent run for those involved in the second.

Hopefully roles will be reversed next weekend, we have another warmup match to look forward to.  It'll be interesting to see who features where, and if I feature at all.

Fingers crossed.

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