Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Check These Out

Check 'em.

So these are my melons.  Check 'em.
The ones closest to the camera don't look particularly healthy, for some reason those ones really do not like the wind, whereas the ones further away have adapted by just spreading to the floor.
Since this picture was taken (two days ago) they've filled in the spaces between themselves, attempting to kill each other to try and steal all the light.  I'm of two minds with regards to this.  Firstly, I shouldn't have planted two plants per bag but the girlfriend threatened to murder me on account of 'wasting soil,' so the compromise was putting two plants in.  I don't think either of us realised just how rampant they could get.  Let's just hope they'll be okay as long as I feed them a ton and give them all the water.
Secondly the competition is probably a good thing at early stages, but now they need to get as big as possible to give me enormous melons, so the competition for space and light probably isn't a good thing now.
I honestly don't know how many melons or of what size to expect.  Or even if I should expect melons at all, considering they haven't even flowered yet.
I wonder whether I should cut a hole on either side of the current big square, in order to ensure all the roots are getting at least some water.  I feel like it's a waste to just keep watering the exposed middle square, as a lot of the roots will just be hanging around in completely dry soil on either side.
I assume feeding the centre is okay, because that's where the greatest concentration of roots will be.
But really, who can tell in this economy?

Monday, 25 May 2015

Broken Nose Woes

I don't think I've broken my nose again, but it's extremely sore.

We had a warmup match against one of the teams in our league this weekend.  I played in the first half which we lost, 7-0.  We won the match 21-7 but both teams fielded two discrete sets of players, essentially making it two separate games.

In the first half we could not hold onto the ball, we just kicked it.  It was like a compulsion or an illness, none of our team would dare to hold on to the damned thing for more than six seconds without kicking it, which meant we had zero possession.  Considering we had the far worse kicking game it also meant we were pinned back in our half for almost the entire half.  We defended for thirty minutes and only ended up seven points down, which is a positive thing I suppose.

I got the ball twice.  Once I was smashed, but managed to hold on and only lose a meter or two which is okay I guess.  The second time I made a half break, got the off-load and we made another few metres.

And then kicked the ball away.  Obviously.

I made a couple of tackles.  I nailed one guy, forcing him to knock on.  The second was a covering tackle on our line, making up for someone who missed an inside tackle.  Unfortunately I only got him round the legs, he passed onto someone else and that was their seven points.  I'm sure I'm going to be blamed for that come training tomorrow.  'You're a foreigner, why didn't you stop the try?  And while we're on the subject, why didn't you score eight thousand points by yourself in this team sport?'

Anyway, I digress.

It was a pointless exercise for all involved in the first half, but a decent run for those involved in the second.

Hopefully roles will be reversed next weekend, we have another warmup match to look forward to.  It'll be interesting to see who features where, and if I feature at all.

Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Well I Never

So I came into work today, found out the schedule has been changed (the schedule is only a rough guideline, designed to show how the day should not be run, as opposed to how it should actually be run.  At least I think it's designed this way because we've not had a single day run to the schedule yet this year) and decided to immediately take a laptop from the communal area (gross) and do something productive with it.  "Productive."

Anyway, I turned it on to find out that it had fifty updates to install.  This being Windows, it couldn't do any of them while the computer was on, and it could only install them at a comparable rate to the deposition of glaciers, super fast basically.

So I waited half an hour before it stopped updating, then it turned off.  I was puzzled by this as windows either updates before the OS starts, or after you've asked it nicely to turn off.

So basically someone yesterday saw that it had weeks worth of updates to do, said fuck that, closed the lid on it and put it away.  Someone elses problem now!

Selfish bastards.  You have to remember that although Japanese people spend on average 23 hours a day at work, they're not actually working.  They're super, duper, inefficient, they hang around work until the boss leaves trying their hardest to pretend they're working while actually talking about nonsense and bollocks.

Anyway, how dare they assume their clothes surfing (always delete your web history) is more important than my writing (about nothing to do with schoolwork)!  Once again, bastards.

The moral of this story is not to use communal PC's, not just because of the diseases you'll likely catch.

On a much less interesting note, I've figured out that I'm lactose intolerant, which means I can't drink milk.  Some people have it so badly that they can't even eat cheese, but you'd know if that ever happened to me because I'd have built myself a rocket and flown myself into the sun.

I don't have it particularly badly, just enough that if I drink a cup of milk then it hurts.  I found out when I started drinking hot chocolate supply drops with milk instead of water (infinitely nicer taste) and started feeling ill afterwards.  After a couple of months of devout testing (can't just drink one hot chocolate and declare an illness, you've got to have a method) I can attest to the fact that I only ever get these symptoms when drinking large amounts of milk.

Ijust hope it doesn't get worse and stop me eating cheese.  Oh man that would be the absolute worst thing ever.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Yo Yo, That's Not So Tough

So I have a facebook page full of absolute shit.  Adverts, pictures of people I don't know standing around drinking and the occasional child sitting there doing nothing.

Frankly, I don't care.

BUT, if your child can do this, then it's worth posting about on the internet.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Guess How Much

So for the past year I've been saving up all the one yen and five yen coins that have accumulated in my pockets.  They're the equivalent of one and two pence pieces, except even more useless if you can imagine such a thing.

As you can see there are a couple of 100 yen coins in there, but they'll be gone by the time I take it to the post office.

Anyway, here's the question, how much money is in there?