So I managed to grow on a few melons from seed, enough to fill a couple of bags of compost or soil or whatever it is. Anyway, having grown the seeds on past the carrying capacity of their small pots, it came time to plant them in these bags and put them outside. I waited for the right time; warm enough that it was not going to freeze again, and with good enough weather that they would get a decent start.
Yesterday was forecast to have slight wind, fair amounts of cloud and some rain, so I thought I may as well put them out at that time and let the plants get a taste for the outdors before any serious weather came into play.
Yesterday there was a mini-typhoon. The weather news got it completely wrong (at least the weather news I subscribe to) and it was bloody wet and bloody windy. The wet obviously isn't much of a problem, but the windy certainly was. The small seedlings were blown about like comedy umbrellas, folding all over the place. The upshot is that I don't know whether they've survived or not. Even if they do survive they'll likely have PTSD and never regain their vigour.
On the plus side I hear that smaller fruit and veg tends to be tastier, so assuming something lives and bears fruit, they'll be the tastiest melons in the world.
I did keep the other germinated melons around just in case of emergency, so if it comes to wholesale change then I'll do what must be done. Wholesale melonslaughter. The downside to this plan is that I deliberately chose the strongest ones to put outside, so the only ones that are left are the pathetic weaklings that barely made it out of the ground. Melongenics is a tough, tough business.
the ongoing melondrama continues...