The film version is never as good as the book, but these colours are really great so I'm tempted to say that the film camera can still kick it.
As per usual, these are the low quality jpg's they gave me on a DVD. I have the negatives so I can make high quality prints directly (well I can't, but someone can) or I can scan them in with a decent scanner and get decent files that way.
I really, really like the reds this particular film gives. I don't know whether that's a thing (having film toned towards good looking reds) but they do have film aimed towards nice skin tones. If I ever get a willing victim in front of the lens I'll try some of that out and see what the results are like.
This is the colour version of the black and white one I took before. Except this time it's from the film camera. I waited for literally an hour, sitting on the next bench in line waiting for the entire avenue to clear. Needless to say it didn't and the light was fading, so I left with only this shot.
The colours really are nice. I like this new camera quite a lot. (It's a bit expensive to get films done regularly though).
it's a shame you can't get them digitised so they can be printed at a decent quality - the colours are quite dramatic