Monday, 6 October 2014

Bought a Camera

So I bought a film camera.

I had some experience taking pictures with a 35mm film camera a couple of years ago, and it was really enjoyable.  I made a lot of mistakes and I didn't/don't really know what I was/am doing but not being able to edit a picture after the fact is completely different to the digital need to endlessly tinker.

As such, I bought a camera yesterday.

It cost 257.2958 British Pound Sterling 
at todays exchange rate.  That's for the body and the lens.

It also takes comedy sized film:

It's a really square thing and I half expected it to come with a cloth to put over my head and a stand on which to place it.

The camera on the left isn't mine, but it's also a film camera.  Just for the sense of scale.

I haven't had the chance to take it out for a spin, but the first 5 rolls  are black and white so if that isn't your bag I probably wouldn't bother coming back for the pictures out of this thing!  (At least for a while).

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