Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Pretty Tired!

So originally I was going to record a video post whereby I was going to do a little tour of the new house and tell everyone what's been happening.  But then I decided to not sleep on Monday night, which has left me with a debt to the sandman

Then last night I carefully considered my options and decided to once again forego sleep in favour of lying awake coughing.  Not pretty little coughs either - hacking bronchial coughs that reduce villi to pulp and pave the way to bronchitis.

Anyway, the upshot is that I am ruddy tired and quite frankly can't be bothered to record and edit even a short video.

I don't have the space either.  All the parts for the worlds most awesome NAS (16tb, 4 mirrored) have arrived except for the hard disks, kind of the most important part.  Then again an NAS without an enclosure isn't really N or A.  I didn't realise my bank balance was so perilously low.  If I'd ordered less manly drives I would have been fine; but I can wait until I transfer some money across.  All told I now have (or rather, will have) some 20plus terabytes of storage.  Hard disks are about the only expenditure you can justify in terms of tech because they generally last long enough, and you can get an awful lot of space for the money now.

Anyway.  When I get some space and whatnot, I'll put all the pictures I've recently taken on there, and they will subsequently appear here.

Until then!

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