Friday, 28 August 2009


The plans for the holiday are generally coming together now.  Still need to get insurance, but everything else is done, I think.  There's always something you don't think of, but then again you don't think of it, so there's no point in worrying about it.  Let's just hope the thing I forget is cheap...

Thursday, 27 August 2009

12 Days Left

12 Days left until I go.  Excited, but not overly so.  Just want to get over there and be done with it now.  Bored of this country, bored of having no fun, and no opportunity.

Generally bored then I guess.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Time to Leave

So I leave on the 8th of next month, that's roughly (thinking...) a short time away.  But it's only a holiday, nothing particularly life changing or interesting for that matter.  I'll stay for however long my money lasts, or 90 days, whichever comes first.  Hopefully I'll find a job teaching while I'm out there, but obviously that's unlikely.

Two weeks and counting.

I've tried keeping blogs before, but my life is so boring that I never have anything worthwhile to write on them, so hopefully this will be worth checking out!  I wonder if I can add photographs and whatnot...