Wednesday, 27 March 2019

End of School

So I'm finally done with school.

I'd have preferred staying on until the end of next term, but I ran out of money.  Alas, the next JLPT exam is in June/July (somewhere around there) so I've got a while until I can try again.

In the meantime, I'm continuing to study and look for work.  Considering how expensive everything here in Japan is, the money problem comes first.  As such, I've been taking on jobs wherever I can find them.  The only bummer is that I can't find anything permanent.

Of the three jobs I've done this month, only one lasted for more than one day.  It was also the worst paying of the three.


I've been applying for more permanent jobs, and I've been trying to keep busy in other ways.  We'll see how long it takes me to get cabin fever.

Considering where I am, I shouldn't be getting my hopes up, but I can't help but think of the stuff I'd like to buy and do if I got a job.  I'd go to a sushi place.  I'd buy a new PC.  I'd go somewhere other than this house or my old school for the first time in a year.  I'd take some photographs again.

Oh well.  I'll start thinking about doing something interesting if I find a job that pays well enough.

In the meantime, I'll keep studying.