Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Foot or Mouth Syndrome

So I've not really updated for a long time.

I've not really done anything for a long time.

Such is my life at the moment.

One thing I have been doing though, is training.

Training when it's hot, training when it's very hot, even training when it's extremely hot.

One such training day saw me run for a little while, sweating an awful lot, then returning home for a shower.  It was a normal run.  The abnormality came that night however, when I had a fever and was sweating with coldness/hotness/coldness all night.

Then my foot looked like this:

So I hobbled to the hospital (more than a mile on this foot nearly killed me outright) and obtained some 'painkillers,' and antibiotics.

That was nearly a week ago, so I've not had a lot of opportunity to do anything other than get fat, which is only a change to my normal life in that this time it's been forced upon me.

Only a few more days until I can walk around though.  Things will change then, just you wait.

(But probably they won't)