So the UK is out of Europe. Well, not out of Europe. We're still in Europe. The residents of Dover haven't banded together and purchased a thousand outboard motors, yet, but the regulatory ties to the EU that the UK has been subject to for decades, will all be thrown out of the window.
Except of course they won't.
If we want to trade with the EU we'll still be subject to their regulations, and as much as the BBC and whoever tries to convince us otherwise, we still need them FAR more than they need us. This is demonstrable by even a cursory glimpse at the relative size of economies involved.
But this isn't an issue of mathematics, it's one of spin. And complaining. Oh my lord the complaining.
The leavers have complained about a million different things, whether it's stupid EU immigration laws or the buckets of money we give away daily. Roughly a thousand different things are terrible about the EU.
The stayers have complained about a million different things, whether it's the hopeless state of the UK economy and how free trade is keeping it from collapsing in on itself, to the woeful state of human rights legislation, only kept at bay by EU law.
Don't worry though, big business and vast amounts of money will always prevail with help from their cronies in government.
Honda will take their plants outside of the UK, and they will do just fine building millions of cars in France, or Germany, or wherever they end up going. The poor sods who will be out of a job within the next few years are fucked, but they only make tens of thousands of pounds a year, so who gives a shit? Their million dollar bonus packages aren't at stake, because they don't have any.
The tiny companies that manufacture odds and ends for the mega factories are all in China anyway, so once again, we lose nothing there.
The small, family run or privately owned companies will face taxes and tariffs that will markedly reduce their competitiveness in the marketplace, but they're not earning millions either, so fuck them.
The enormous companies will bribe (sorry, donate) their way to exemptions from these tariffs and taxes, so they'll be fine. Thank god.
The banks are an entity unto themselves at this point, and beyond petty 'laws.' They'll be fine.
It's going to make travelling into Europe a right pain in the arse. France will erect a fifty foot wall of concrete andrefugee limbs in the chinese style <>. All of the limbs will be arms, all pointing at the channel. All the hands will have a single raised digit. You guess which one.
Whichever side of the fence you sit on it doesn't matter. The Tory regime are now fully able to enact the thought-crime laws they've tried to pass in the past, and that have been blocked on human rights grounds. The pig fuckers will abolish any and all regulation to do with banks, the UK economy will continue falling apart exactly as quickly as it would have anyway. You won't be able to vandalise French cities during football riots. Actually that last one won't change.
The french waiter at your favourite restaurant will pee in your soup.
But the absolute worst thing about this farce – none of it matters.